Saving and loading TensorFlow neural networks Part 2: ONNX to the rescue

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Welcome back to my attempts to save a trained TensorFlow model in Python and load it in C/C++. Part 1 documented how I kept running into that word deprecated in the TensorFlow library. The conclusion was that the SavedModel format was going to remain in TensorFlow 2.0, but all the functions in TensorFlow 1.x for … Continue reading Saving and loading TensorFlow neural networks Part 2: ONNX to the rescue

Autotuning OpenCL kernels – CLTune on Windows 7

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CLTune is a C++ library for automatically tuning OpenCL kernels to extract the maximum speed from your device. I'm going to try building and using it on Windows 7 with MinGW-w64 (GCC 4.9.1) to see what I can achieve with it. While properly written OpenCL code should work on any conformant device and platform, there's … Continue reading Autotuning OpenCL kernels – CLTune on Windows 7